viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

                     The Horse And His Boy 


A young boy named Shasta was found by Arsheesh when he was a beby, Shasta was raised by a fisherman from Calormen. As the story begins, Shasta overhears Arsheesh talking about a deal in which it is sold as a slave to a powerful feudal nobleman Calormen. Shasta has never truly loved the fisherman, and is relieved to discover that he is not actually the son of Arsheesh, Shasta waits for his new master with the donkey out of the fisherman's house. The Noble Horse, Bri, astounds Shasta by speaking, and suggesting to escape and live a servitude life in the north of Narnia. They meet Aravis, a girl with her mare juin. Aravis is fleeing a forced marriage to the Grand Vizier of Tisroc (Calormen ruler).

The four must travel Tashbaan, the capital of Calormen. There are a procession of about some kings of Narnia (Susana's Benevolent and Edmund the Just). They confuse Shasta for Corin, a prince of Archenland that his group had gone the day before. Shasta is too cowardly to protest, and goes with the kings of Narnia He hears them discuss about the escape from  Calormen and Tashbaan   in order to avoid is forcing Rabadash Queen Susan to marry him. When Shasta is alone, the real Prince Corin reappears and Shasta eascape,

Aravis found her friend Lasaralin, but warns him not to tell anyone, asking for help to escape, Lasarin accepts, though he can not understand why Aravis wants to leave the life of Princess calormena. Lasarin helps him escape through the palace, but are forced to take cover when the Tisroc, and the Grand Vizier Rabadash appear. Unfortunately, they have hidden in the same room in which the men are about to meet. Aravis and listen to Tisroc Rabadash discuss about Narnian kings fled, and gives you permission to Tisroc attacks Archenland then later on the will invade Narnia.

Outside the city, Aravis and Shasta reunite with horses. The four make an unpleasant trip across the desert to warn people of the Archenland that the Calormenes are coming. The search for the lion Aslan requires travelers to escape from Rabadash Calormeno Army. Aravis, Bree and juin rest with an old hermit, while Shasta is alone, barefoot running nonstop until Archenland find the army so they can prepare their defenses against Calormenes, resist as long as it reaches the Narnian army. King Lune of Archenland recognizes Shasta as Cor, twin of Prince Corin and therefore heir to the throne. Then Aravis and Cor live in Archenland and eventually marry years later and they had a son named rham.  As for the horses, and Juin Bri were married, but not with each other and go every year to visit friends in Anvard.

 This is an interesting book with one of the best ending, it
has a lot of conflict but they always try to fing a way to fix the problem or they escape from them 

this is a link for you buy the book if you like it: